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December 9-10
Learn More and Register to Attend

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Venue: Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 [clear filter]
Thursday, December 9

09:00 CST

09:15 CST

09:25 CST

09:40 CST

09:50 CST

10:05 CST

10:15 CST

10:25 CST

10:40 CST

10:50 CST

11:00 CST

11:20 CST

12:10 CST

Redteam 观点:K8s 集群管理员的安全实践 | Redteam Views: Security Practice of K8s Cluster Administrator - Zebin Zhou, Tencent Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 扩展 OpenYurt 用于视频分析工作负载的端到端部署 | Extending OpenYurt for End-to-End Deployment of Video Analytics Workloads - Shao Qiang & Linda Yu, Intel Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 以一致的经验构建和管理多集群应用 | Build and Manage Multi-cluster Application with Consistent Experience - Yong Feng & Jianbo Sun, Alibaba Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 基于 Kubernetes 的全场景工作负载混部 | A full-scenario colocation of workloads based on Kubernetes - Dongdong Chen & Lingpeng Chen, Tencent Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 优雅的节点关闭 -Kubernetes 开发初学者之旅 | Graceful Node Shutdown – A Beginner’s Journey of Kubernetes Development - Shiming Zhang, DaoCloud Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 介绍和深入了解 TAG 应用程序交付 | Introduction and Deep - Dive into TAG App Delivery - Hongchao Deng, Alibaba & Thomas Schuetz, Dynatrace Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 大限将至! 定义Kubernetes的技术债务将在2022年最终得到偿还! | The End is Near! The Technical Debt of Defining Kubernetes Will Finally Be Paid in 2022! - Hippie Hacker, ii Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 揭开企业级 Argo CD 的构成秘密 | Unveil the Secret Ingredients for Argo CD in the Enterprise-Scale - Hong Wang & Yuan Tang, Akuity Inc. Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 在阿里巴巴我们是怎样先于用户发现和定位K8s集群问题的 | How We Discover and Locate k8s Cluster Problems Before Users at Alibaba - Peng Nanguang, Alibaba Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅

12:45 CST

13:15 CST

Kubernetes 与基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC) 和 KubeFed 的多集群和隔离 | Kubernetes Multi-Cluster and Multi-Tenancy With RBAC and KubeFed - Hongming Wan, QingCloud Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 使用 Kubernetes 和 Temporal 构建容错分布式应用程序 | Build fault tolerant, distributed apps with Kubernetes and Temporal - Tihomir Surdilovic, Temporal Technologies Inc. Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 一个关于管理具有 15k 节点和各种工作负载的 Kubernetes 集群的故事 | A story of managing kubernetes cluster with 15k nodes and various workloads - Bo Tang & Chongkang Tan, Ant Group Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Envoy 网格加速从 iptables 到完全 BPF | Envoy Mesh Acceleration: From Iptables to Fully BPF - Xiyao Zhang & Xu Liu, Tencent Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 利用 KServe(KFServing) 加速联邦学习的模型部署 | Accelerate Federated Learning Model Deployment with KServe (KFServing) - Fangchi Wang & Jiahao Chen, VMware Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 如何参与云原生计算基金会 (CNCF) 开源项目并成为维护者 | How to Participate in CNCF Open Source Projects and Become a Maintainer - Guo Xudong, GitLab Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Crossplane:将基础设施和服务组成定制平台应用程序接口 | Crossplane: Compose Infrastructure and Services Into Custom Platform APIs - Viktor Farcic & Aaron Eaton & Muvaffak Onuş, Upbound Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 WasmEdge 简介,云原生 WebAssembly 运行时 | Introduction to WasmEdge, A Cloud-native WebAssembly Runtime - Michael Yuan, WasmEdge Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅

14:05 CST

用 KubeEdge 管理不稳定网络上的大规模边缘集群 | Managing Large-Scale Edge Cluster Over Unstable Network with KubeEdge - Fei Xu, Huawei Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 从以应用程序为中心的抽象将应用程序运送到多集群环境 | Ship Apps to Multi-cluster Environments from an App-centric Abstraction - Zhengyi Lai, QingCloud Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 如何在零停机的情况下迁移 Kubernetes 集群 | How To Migrate Kubernetes Cluster With Zero Downtime - Jing Gu & Yaoyao Xie, Alibaba Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 在线视频架构将服务韧性从Spring Cloud 熔断器升级到服务网格 | Online Video upgrades resilience from SC Circuit Breaker to Service Mesh - Xu Shiyu, RR Video & Zhang Chaomeng, Huawei Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Bagua:Kubernetes 上的轻量级分布式学习 | Bagua: Lightweight Distributed Learning on Kubernetes - Xiangru Lian & Xianghong Li, Kuaishou Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Kubernetes SIG Node:介绍与深入研究 | Kubernetes SIG Node: Intro and Deep Dive - Paco, DaoCloud Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Rook:介绍和 Ceph 平台深探 | Rook: Intro and Ceph Deep Dive - Travis Nielsen, Red Hat & Satoru Takeuchi, Cybozu, Inc. Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 基于Volcano的离在线业务混部技术探索 | Exploration About Mixing Technology of Online Services and Offline Jobs Based on Volcano - Leibo Wang & Lei Wu, Huawei Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 镜像分发系统 Dragonfly 的新进展 | The New Evolution of Image Distribution System Dragonfly - Wenbo Qi, Ant Group & Zheyi Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅

14:45 CST

Friday, December 10

08:00 CST

09:00 CST

09:15 CST

09:25 CST

09:50 CST

10:10 CST

10:25 CST

10:40 CST

10:50 CST

11:20 CST

基于 Tekton 构建大规模云原生 CI/CD 系统 | Build a Large Scale Cloud Native CI/CD System Based on Tekton - Jinming Yue & Deyuan Deng, ByteDance Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 更新的 “Hitchhiker "指南对 Kubernetes 的评估依赖性 | The Hitchhiker's Guide to Evaluating Dependency Updates to Kubernetes - Arsh Sharma, VMware Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 在 Kubernetes 边缘集群上运行 wasm 应用 | Run wasm applications on kubernetes edge cluster - Dingping Yuan & Tiejun Chen, VMware Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 解决服务网格应用者的困境 | Solving the Service Mesh Adopter’s Dilemma - Anita Ihuman, Layer5 Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 深入研究: 基于 CRI-RM 的中央处理器和非统一内存访问架构亲和性实现人工智能任务加速 | Deep Dive: CRI- RM Based CPU and NUMA Affinity to Achieve AI Task Acceleration - Dekui Wang... Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 BFE:企业级七层负载均衡开源软件 | BFE: Modern Layer 7 Load Balancer for Enterprise Application - Miles Zhang, Baidu & Sijie Yang, Tencent Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 KubeEdge 简介:Kubernetes 原生边缘计算框架 | Introduction to KubeEdge: Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework - Fei Xu, Huawei & Ce Zheng, DaoCloud Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 面向 Vitess 的持续业绩基准测试 | Continuous Performance Benchmarking for Vitess - Alkin Tezuysal & Florent Poinsard & Manan Gupta, Planetscale Inc. Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 最佳实践:Kubernetes 集群中 DNS 故障的可观测性与根因诊断 | Best Practice: DNS Failure Observability and Diagnosis in Kubernetes - Yuning Xie, Alibaba Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅

12:10 CST

去哪儿网规模下 Kubernetes 多集群和 Canary 的部署 | Kubernetes Multi-cluster and Canary Deployment at the Scale of Qunar - Sheng Zou & Jenny Chen, Qunar Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 利用智能运维 (AIOps) 对云基础设施进行智能分析 | Intelligent Analysis on Cloud Infrastructure With AIOps - Ethan Gao, Intel & Pang Liye, Inspur Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 在上海浦东发展银行探索云原生大数据平台 | Exploring Cloud Native Big Data Platform in SPDB - Jie Chu & Qingqing Shao, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank & Alex Zheng, DaoCloud Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Kubernetes 上的 Vivo 人工智能计算平台 | Vivo's AI Computing Platform on Kubernetes - Ziyang Wu, Vivo Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 DGL Operator:基于 DGL 和 K8s 的分布式图神经网络训练控制器 | DGL Operator: Distributed Graph Neural Network Training with DGL and K8s - Xiaoyu Zhai, Qihoo 360 Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Kubernetes 提供商 IBM 云项目概述和深入研究 | Kubernetes Provider IBM Cloud Project Overview and Deep Dive - Sahdev Zala, Guang Ya Liu, WenTao Zhang & Emma Yang, IBM Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 SuperEdge将Kubernetes推广到边缘的技术解密 | SuperEdge Promoting Kubernetes to the Edge of Technology Decryption - Attlee Wang & Roy Liang, Tencent Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 TAG-Runtime:开源工作负载生态系统 | TAG-Runtime: The Open Source Workload Ecosystem - Kevin Wang, Huawei & Ricardo Aravena, Rakuten Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 用 Kube-OVN 创建一个跨 Kubernetes 的统一网络平面 | Creating a Unified Network Plane across Kubernetes with Kube-OVN - Cheng Chen, PingCAP Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅

12:45 CST

13:15 CST

面向边缘集群的网格监控 | Monitor mesh for edge clusters - Liye Pang, Inspur & Huailong Zhang, Intel Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 为有状态工作负载保持持久卷的健康性 | Keep Persistent Volumes Healthy for Stateful Workloads - Xing Yang, VMware & Yuquan Ren, ByteDance Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 用云原生无服务器技术构建现代 FaaS(功能即服务)平台 | Build a modern FaaS platform with Cloud Native Serverless technologies - Benjamin Huo & Wanjun Lei, QingCloud Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Fluid:Kubernetes 原生分布式数据集协调器和加速器 | Fluid: Kubernetes Native Distributed Dataset Orchestrator and Accelerator - Yang Che, Alibaba & Yuandong Xie, Tencent Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 ChubaoFS简介及深入剖析 | Introduction and Deep Dive to ChubaoFS - Shuoran Liu & Yong Sheng, Beike Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 CloudEvents- 版本 1 正处于开始阶段 | CloudEvents - Version 1 is just the beginning - Ryan Horn, Twillio Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 云原生存储:存储 TAG 介绍、项目、经管和技术 | Cloud Native Storage: Storage TAG intro, Projects, Landscape & Technology - Alex Chircop, StorageOS & Raffaele Spazzoli, RedHat Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 边缘计算场景下 Service Mesh 的延伸和扩展 | Extension and expansion of Service Mesh in edge computing scenarios - Wang Jiezhang, Huawei Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 在 OpenKruise 中扩展容器运行时的操作 | Extend the operations for container runtime in OpenKruise - Siyu Wang, Alibaba Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅

14:05 CST

在 Kubernetes 上保护您的数据库工作负载 | Protect your database workloads in Kubernetes - Yang Liu & Yongjie Gong, Shanghai Jibu Technology Co. Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 实现 Faas + Dapr + K8S 技术融合,构建全新的阿里巴巴云无服务器研发系统 | Achieving Faas + Dapr + K8S technology integration, and build a new Alibaba Cloud Serverless R&D system - Zhao Qingjie... Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 字节跳动中基于异构资源的机器学习训练加速 | ML training acceleration with heterogeneous resources in Bytedance - Deliang Fan & Tao Xin, ByteDance Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 ChaosBlade 项目的过去、现在与未来 | The Past, Present and Future of the ChaosBlade Project - Changjun Xiao, Alibaba Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 CNI 1.0.0 概述以及 CNI 2.0 扼要介绍 | Overview of CNI 1.0.0 and preview of CNI 2.0 - Bruce Ma, Ant Financial & Bingshen Wang, Alibaba Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Kubernetes SIG 存储介绍和更新 | Kubernetes SIG Storage Introduction and Update - Xing Yang, VMware & Michelle Au, Google Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 异构多集群全网格通信实践 | Heterogeneous multi-cluster full mesh communication practice - Li Yang, Transwarp; Liu Wenfeng, VMware Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 Kubernetes 中 Windows 工作负载管理的最佳实践 | Best Practice on Windows Workload Management In Kubernetes - Benjamin Wang & Wenli Wei, VMware Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅 KubeEdge 驱动的下一代云原生运行时边缘设备 | KubeEdge Powered Edge-Devices With Next Generation Cloud Native Runtime - Pengfei Jiang, Huawei Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 演讲厅

14:45 CST


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